National Web Design Contest Guidelines
Post Secondary
Contestants are to note that the contest this year has been modified from previous years (based on feedback received from contestants at last year’s national contest). Instead of designing a complete website for a client, this year, each team will be asked to complete a series of challenges. Pay particular attention to the details for the challenge (points are assigned only if you meet the criteria outlined). All challenges carry the same weight. You are encouraged to work through the challenges in the order presented. As mentioned on the SkillsUSA website at least one challenge will be related to scripting.
The focus of this contest is on client side technologies ((X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). No server side scripting is to be included in the submitted materials. All materials submitted are to be free of malware (submitting a virus or spyware on the USB drive is grounds for immediate disqualification). Teams will not be allowed to use external resources (there is no Internet connectivity in the competition area and all teams should refrain from such access via their own connection).
Secondary Contest guidelines
Contestants are to note that the contest this year has been modified from previous years (based on feedback received from contestants at last year’s national contest). Instead of designing a complete website for a client, this year, each team will be asked to complete a series of challenges. Pay particular attention to the details for the challenge (points are assigned only if you meet the criteria outlined). All challenges carry the same weight. You are encouraged to work through the challenges in the order presented. As mentioned on the SkillsUSA website at least one challenge will be related to scripting.
The focus of this contest is on client side technologies ((X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). No server side scripting is to be included in the submitted materials. All materials submitted are to be free of malware (submitting a virus or spyware on the USB drive is grounds for immediate disqualification). Teams will not be allowed to use external resources (there is no Internet connectivity in the competition area and all teams should refrain from such access via their own connection).
Challenge Work Order
The contest this year consists of a series of six (6) challenges. We encourage you to read through all of the challenges and verify you understand them prior to beginning work. Part of the contest is your ability to plan, divide work, and scaffold your processes (we will be watching). Place links to all these challenge pages on an initial web page. Be consistent with navigation and colors across all pages. Unless the challenge specifically indicates a choice of color or font, you are free to be creative (and encouraged). All pages should link to the initial page (which must be called index.html). Complete as many of the following challenges as time permits.
You are encouraged to generate professional work. Since your work will be validated (judges will be using the(X)HTML validation service (, you will be given a starting shell containing valid XHTML compliant code (starting.html). This is to be used as a starting point for all your work (unless other files are provided).
Instructors are encouraged to check out Web design curriculum resources at the sponsored School of Web and resources on the Web Design Curriculum website.